Currently the install method is `git clone ` but this uses the "default" branch witch is current master. I'd like to make the default branch dev so this is what pull requests are made against. Here's…
The base code requires several steps to get the car driving;
1) Git pull the code
2) Install the repo into linux and create the link to console command via load_entry_point(), which simply calls ``d…
Hey guys hows it going...my friends and I are very new to using raspberry pi's and were trying to complete our donkey car. We have been following the Software instructions on donkeycars website but it…
Using http://docs.donkeycar.com/ build a donkey car to have a reference system for kitt to compare to.
Hey guys im new to Donkeycar and was hoping to get some feedback...i am aware of all the components needed to assemble this and would like to know if a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ will be compatible for doing t…
Prebuilty zipped disk image is not work on Raspberry pi 3 B+. Flashes red light and wont boot.
Link for the usb battery is broken and I'm (a newbie in hardware assembly and) not sure what can I substitute it with.
Not working: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P7N0320?tag=donkeycar-20