## Steps to reproduce ##
For the pregnancy status OPT https://ckm.highmed.org/ckm/templates/1246.169.1095
The SDK generator generated one class "StatusDefiningcode" that is one of two expected …
## Steps to reproduce ##
cd docker
docker-compose -f docker-compose-full.yml up
## Actual result ##
Creating network "docker_ehrbase-network" with the default driver
Pulling …
## Steps to reproduce ##
Working on https://github.com/ehrbase/project_management/issues/363
1. template: https://ckm.highmed.org/ckm/templates/1246.169.206
2. generated ACTION: https://github…
### Executing below task
- spd-say "Robot is ready! Check the results!"
### results in the following error
The duration values like P0DT1H are not being parsed correctly:
de.ehrbase.serialisation.UnmarshalException: Text cannot be parsed to a Period:P0DT1H (through reference chain: com.nedap.archie…
## Steps to reproduce ##
Load any OPT (used [signos.opt](https://github.com/ehrbase/ehrbase/files/5317522/Signos_opt.txt) from my other post)
Load any JSON instance (used [signos_json_correct](ht…
Tried to generate code for this OPT:
[Template A.opt.txt](https://github.com/ehrbase/openEHR_SDK/files/4956645/Template.A.opt.txt)
And got:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAr…
(venv) wlad@hypervubu:~/projects/ehrbase/tests$ python
Python 3.8.2 (default, Apr 16 2020, 20:42:22)
[GCC 9.2.1 20191008] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more in…
I've noticed that the `other_participations` fields are not all being retrieved (it saves without error), specifically the `performer.external_ref`, `performer.identifiers`, and `time`.
To tr…
## Details of attached files ##
After noticing my composition was returning incorrectly in 0.14.0 I created a new composition using Better CDR and validated that I could create and retrieve it with…