The SDK generator generated one class "StatusDefiningcode" that is one of two expected to be generated:
Node at0004 from the COMPOSITION is called "Status" and the correspondent Enum class is not generated (it's a coded text with 4 possible values at0010 to at0013).
Steps to reproduce
For the pregnancy status OPT
The SDK generator generated one class "StatusDefiningcode" that is one of two expected to be generated:
Node at0004 from the COMPOSITION is called "Status" and the correspondent Enum class is not generated (it's a coded text with 4 possible values at0010 to at0013).
Node at0011 from the OBSERVATION is called "Status" and the correspondent Enum is created with 3 possible values (at0012 to at0014) >
Actual result
One class is missing.
And the field generated for the COMPOSITION actually points to the class generated for the OBSERVATION, which doesn't contain the right values. >
Expected result
To have 2 classes generated and the COMPOSITION field "statusDefiningCode" to point to the right class >
Success criteria