ehrbase / openEHR_SDK

A SDK to facilitate the development of openEHR applications
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Features of the SDK

client (mostly Beta)

Generic openEHR Client and Object-mapper:

generator (Beta)

Autogenerate entity classes from template

opt-1.4 (Beta)

Opt 1.4 xmlbeans

response-dto (Beta)

DTO's representing the response for the ehrscape and openEHR Rest API

terminology (Beta)

Mini openEHR terminology implementation

validation (Beta)

Validation of Compositions against templates

test-data (Beta)

Example templates and Composition for tests

serialisation (Beta)

Map Compositions from and to JSON;XML

aql (Beta)

Release Notes

Please check the CHANGELOG



Use one of the options below to build the project.

Option 1) - Build w/o integration tests

This option skipps integration tests. Code coverage report is based on unit tests only.

mvn clean install

or any specific maven phase

mvn clean test
mvn clean verify
mvn clean package

Option 2) - Build with unit & integration tests

This option includes unit as well as integration tests. Three coverage reports are generated: unit test report, integration test report and overall coverage report.

mvn clean install -DskipIntegrationTests=false

or any specific maven phase

mvn clean verify -DskipIntegrationTests=false
mvn clean package -DskipIntegrationTests=false

:warning: EHRbase server + DB must be running to execute integration tests successfully

Option 3) - Execute tests via profiles

mvn clean -Pfast test    # will execute unit tests only
mvn clean -Pslow test    # will execute integration tests only
mvn clean -Pfull test    # will execute all test

NOTE: This option may not properly generate coverage reports because Jacoco is not configured in the profiles. Feel free to provide a PR to enhance this :wink:


Entity generation

To generate an entity class from a template use

 java  -jar generator-version.jar
 -h               show help
 -opt <arg>       path to opt file
 -out <arg>       path to output directory
 -package <arg>   package name
 -config <arg>    optional Path to config file

In the optional config file you can define

Parameter Default Description
optimizerSetting SECTION Defines if nodes which belong to are archetype but are single valued generate a new class:
  • NONE: Always generate a class for nodes which belong to a archetype
  • SECTION: Do not generate a class for nodes which have rm-type section and are single valued
  • ALL: Do not generate a class for nodes which are single valued
addNullFlavor true Whether or not to generate null flavor fields for Elements.
generateChoicesForSingleEvent false Whether or not to generate Choices (POINT_EVENT & INTERVAL_EVENT) fields for a single EVENT. If "false" only POINT_EVENT will be generated.
replaceChars German and Norwegian Characters Map to define Characters in the Node name to be replaced.

see generator/src/main/resources/DefaultConfig.yaml

Use The SDK in your project

You can include release versions of the SDK via maven central

If you need specific development-versions, you can use

Map entity <-> Archie RM objects

see FlattenerTest and UnflattenerTest

RestClient for openEHR Rest-API


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


openEHR-SDK java sourcecode is using palantir-java-format codestyle. The formatting is checked and applied using the spotless-maven-plugin. To apply the codestyle run the com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-maven-plugin:apply maven goal in the root directory of the project. To check if the code conforms to the codestyle run the com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-maven-plugin:check maven goal in the root directory of the project. These maven goals can also be run for a single module by running them in the modules' subdirectory.

To make sure all code conforms to the codestyle, the "check-codestyle" check is run on all pull requests. Pull requests not passing this check shall not be merged.

If you wish to automatically apply the formatting on commit for *.java files, a simple pre-commit hook script "" is available in the root directory of this repository. To enable the hook you can either copy the script to or create a symlink for it at .git/hooks/pre-commit. The git hook will run the "apply" goal for the whole project, but formatting changes will only be staged for already staged files, to avoid including unrelated changes.

In case there is a section of code that you carefully formatted in a special way the formatting can be turned off for that section like this:

everything here will be reformatted..

// @format:off

    This is not affected by spotless-plugin reformatting...
            And will stay as is it is!

// @format:on

everything here will be reformatted..

Please be aware that @format:off/on should only be used on rare occasions to increase readability of complex code and shall be looked at critically when reviewing merge requests.


openEHR SDK uses the Apache License, Version 2.0 (

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