[k0ste@WorkStation linux-4.12]$ patch -p1 -i /tmp/linux-4.8-ndpi.diff
patching file include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_extend.h
Hunk #2 FAILED at 113.
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving reject…
k0ste updated
7 years ago
The following numbers are valid credit card numbers, but an error occurs when using them:
6362970000457013 (Elo)
6062825624254001 (HiperCard)
5078601912345600019 (Aura)
You can check the numbers in t…
## Expected behavior
Library supports an up-to-date range of [IINs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_card_number#Issuer_identification_number_.28IIN.29) (formerly known as BINs) for Elo.
After ask…
Here are the validation rules for all three types!
Our payment gateway fires an event which tells us the card type (visa/master card/amex). Is it possible to have the an api method or somethign which we can use to show just the card type selected, wit…
When we look up an existing card in Stripe we don't receive the full credit card number over the wire, we only have last 4. We do however have the brand of the card, but I can't figure out how to man…
```Chobby.exe Information: 0 : Checking for self-upgrade
Chobby.exe Information: 0 : PackageRefresh complete - packages changed
Chobby.exe Information: 0 : http://zkmenu.repo.springrts.com/packages/…
**NOTE** I'd be happy to present kernel configuration in a more readable form, but not sure what is available and preferred - please advice
Type | Version/Name
The card of brand "elo" no is detected.
Examples of numbers this card find in https://gist.github.com/erikhenrique/5931368
```Using configuration source: "C:\Users\holemansth\Documents\PROV\Zero-K\springsettings.cfg"
Using additional configuration source: "C:\Users\holemansth\Documents\PROV\Zero-K\engine\103.0.1-588-gab2…