Wenn der QR-Code gelesen wurde, dann sollte ein Infobox angezeigt werden:
CheckIn läuft ...
IE and Opera don't support the CSS property pointer-events:none http://caniuse.com/#search=pointer-events, which means the infoscreen blocks the user from clicking the page's content.
this skin is amazing!
There is only one thing, is it possible to show the info bar with the controls bar at the same time?
if i'm on live tv i have to press "i" to see whats on air and whats next…
Escape-Key doesn´t always work in infoscreen
Is there a way to get the server time instead of local time (every X minutes)?
- i don't trust genesi time (cheap hardware)
- it will have to run ntpd (and not ntpdate for example) on every …
Concatenating all scripts into a single `.js` file would greatly reduce the number of blocking HTTP requests, and result in better initial page loading times.
Additionally, the concatenated file coul…
One out of many times, there seems to be either a resolution hick up and/or the browser not going straight to full screen.
On most infoscreens, that take a long time to load, that doesn't seem to mat…
Seems like if there is a server hiccup, InfoScreen display "unable to contact the server."
However, after the server becomes available again, that message remains on the screen until the end of time.…
Changing between views (same group) should be less fast (it's a 4 or 5 seconds now?)
I cant read one single twitter line before it changed, and it's so fast i get stressed ;)
It's impossible to sync .git repo's (yes, I had to try it).
With dropbox, I had a "git" folder, syncing all my Git repo's over multiple PCs.
With Sparkleshare it causes the whole application to cr…