Not sure whether this is an issue or my wrongdoing or even whether this is the best place to ask it but I noticed the following: I ran the preprocessing without problems. The model (design.csv) consis…
PAR files have a field in the image information definition called "image pixel size (in bits)".
We currently assume that this value refers to the number of bits of a signed integer (int16, int32).
whenever the filename is not unique but the directory changes, as in:
session_1_func = BOLD/task001_run00*/bold.nii.gz
the output is then overwritten by the different images, outputting a co…
@dankessler @heffjos @mangstad @shijiaguo @sripada
Let's discuss on Friday how we think fMRI data and associated files should be organized, this will impact scripts and processes. In general from my…
in your matlabscripts for batch processing you may want to look into utilizing pre-existing defaults in the global variables "defaults" and "vbm8". These are accessible once "spm('defaults…
For any that are using bash to control matlab you can have matlab exit with an error code by doing
> > exit(value)
The default is for matlab to exit with a "0" error code when …
need to check the values of MAXMEM and stats.fmri.ufp (possibly others?) before releasing first level script.
One of the last things I was considering is, because my MVPaa toolbox is small and requires aa, I thought perhaps we could merge its stable version into this github. I could then branch the entire thi…