File "/shared/pywikipedia/core/pywikibot/comms/http.py", line 238, in request
r = fetch(baseuri, method, body, headers, **kwargs)
File "/shared/pywikipedia/core/pywikibot/comms/http.py", line …
pywikibot-core is currently using unicodecsv on Python 2.7 and 2.6 and removing support for Python 2.6 broke support. Now it's not that much of a problem as users could install an older version. But I…
xZise updated
9 years ago
Right now `Page.getReferences()` is used to count references to a page, and this is a method that operates on-line. This is an overkill and it takes forever to find orphaned pages.
1. Use (a…
unittest shows test method name and docstring.
nose only shows the docstring, if it exists, or the method name if it doesnt have a docstring.
https://github.com/wikimedia/pywikibot-core is searching …
and preferably, push the code to pywiki source. Thanks!
Following the instructions on http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/caching/ , which says to just add "cache: pip" causes the following error
store build cache
changes detected, packing new archive
So there is no way to go back :(
Python2: python-pil and python-pil.imagetk
Python3: python3-pil
It is useful to test using the platform provided version of Pillow.
Could you make the `_count` function in `future.types.newrange` publicly available?
xZise updated
9 years ago
File "/tmp/easy_install-3vuysiu_/mwparserfromhell-0.4/setup.py", line 39
with open("README.rst", **{'encoding':'utf-8'} if py3k else {}) as fp: