Last time I ran a deploy, I was hitting `IntegrityError: insert or update on table "data_collection_dataquality" violates foreign key constraint` trying to run the councils importer with 2 DB connecti…
One reason is the user will find it more helpful
Another reason is in the CoC-wide Data Quality data, that error accounts for a LOT of errors and kind of obscures other (more granular) issues.
I got a feedback from the Challenge Fund that publishers dont use the Recipient Org:Organisation Type field and tried to understany why the Big Lottery created the field BIGField_Organisation_Type.
OS:Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS虚拟机
mem: 3G
Where's the steering file?
Reading this [mseed file](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JvbFprWJnLO3y6hFzlZ_g2MQfUCqiudK/view?usp=sharing) prints integrity warnings:
`RDMSEED: data integrity -- Steim-2 sequence #001194Q integ…
Seisan file output from Swarm seems to have about a one second drift. E.g.:
Do we need this
in place on https://dataquality.threesixtygiving.org/ still?
Se requiere especificar un Id externo en las reglas de Dataquality.
A button to add a conformity block should show in default view when it's missing