**Bug Description**
While attempting to create test data for https://github.com/qiime2/q2-sample-classifier/issues/143, I ran into a cryptic error message when running `confusion-matrix`:
I have a question regarding the feature importance vs LIME.
For the adult data set, we can see the feature importance of my model -
From: Brian Gough
Here are some patches for R-intro.texi, to correct various typos,
missing words, and minor inconsistencies in formatting.
Each patch is preceeded by its corresponding 'wdif…
I would like to select a certain parameter range and then plot the contours for this selection, e.g. say I'd like to look at only positive x0 with the example data:
ns = NestedSamples(root…
The fitFilter routine in fitexfilter is hardwired to run Blackstone data on a single day. Here is the fix:
def fitFilter(stime, rad, outfile, thresh=0.4, infile=None, etime=None,
As you might have seen, one of the [vignette](https://easystats.github.io/bayestestR/articles/3_IndicesExistenceComparison.html) is a bit more detailed and looks almost like a paper. Actually, the who…
Correlation plot of each feature with the other
- part of the effort for Canada 19. February 2019
- @JIMENOFONSECA can you please list which plots to prioritize?
## What we have on borealbirds.ca
- data locations (0/1 of species)
- mean density map and table by BCR-province
- distribution maps
- habitat associations by LCC05 cover type in each BCR-provin…
sklearn currently provides model-based feature importances for tree-based models and linear models. However, models such as e.g. SVM and kNN don't provide feature importances, which could be useful.