Thank you for sharing the great project.
There are a few problems.
First, I installed all the necessary elements in advance.
Darknet_ros also works normally.
I use a model that I lea…
compile problem with Jeston TX2,
`#### Running command: "make darknet_ros -j6 -l6" in "/home/nvidia/catkin_ws/build"
[ 0%] Built target sensor_msgs_generate_messages_cpp
[ 0%] Built targe…
q8wwe updated
4 years ago
바쁘신 와중에 도움 주신점 대단히 감사드립니다.
시스템 사양은 동일하게
Unbuntu 18.04LTS
ROS - melodic
Yolo V3
$roslaunch hj_object_detect hj_object_detect_rviz.launch
### I have CUDA 10.1 installed and tested it but I am having the following error while compiling it.
Hi everyone,
is it correct that `catkin build darknet_ros -j 8 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` takes a pretty large amount of time compared to other ros packages? I've let it running for about 15 Minut…
I'm trying to subscribe to the BoundingBoxes topic and a camera input from a node in a different package.
In the main function this is my code:
class MyClass
void MyCallback(co…
Hi, guy~
I have a error with boost. I have try boost 1.58 1.69, but the error always exists.
`In file included from /opt/ros/kinetic/include/actionlib/server/handle_tracker_deleter.h:42:0,
I have create a C++ function that get the coordinate points of the rectangle box of the detected object. I like to use this 8 points to create a Centroid and perform clustering with region growing al…
Did anyone find a solution?
I'm having the same issue my PC. Neither the weights or configuration are loaded.
[ INFO] [1585614661.644136477]: [YoloObjectDetector] Node started.
[ INFO] [1…