Most of the GraphFrame algorithms are wrappers of GraphX algorithm implementation. That's the case of PageRank, LabelPropagation, StronglyConnectedComponents, etc. It turns out that all these algorith…
From an ancient email (30 August 2010):
"One low-priority job on my radar is setting up friendly URLs like http://demozoo.org/groups/farbrausch, which will make IDs more or less irrelevant on the fro…
I'm trying to speed up my calculation of the personalized PageRank vector (PPV) with Numba using sets. `indices` and `indptr` are from a CSR-matrix representing the adjacency matrix of a graph.
I noticed that when converting an _**undirected**_ and unweighted graph from NetworkX, each self loop is represented by 1 (and not 2) on the diagonal. Example:
g = nx.Graph([(0,1), (1,1)])
Would it be possible to have a Docker image to help testing/deploying OpenTapioca?
It could be a great feature to help new community to enter into OpenTapioca world.
You mention paying people to deploy DNSSEC. You might want to look closer at similar things that drove the "success" of HTTPS.
The success of HTTPS is in no small part to several concurrent forcin…
## Expected Behavior (Mandatory)
The size of the node is related to pagerank
## Actual Behavior (Mandatory)
The size of the node is not related to pagerank
## How to Reproduce the Problem
Three probable modes to valid the result,
- ACID, validation, throughput test in separate
- run result validation along with ACID
- run benchmarking (throughtput measurement) along with ACID and re…
hi,when i import my event log ,i got these errors.but the sample Securyty.evtx is good,why?
$ sudo python3 logontracer.py --delete -e ./security.evtx -z +8 -u neo4j -p passwrod -s