I'm not so good with Python and Git so I preferred mentioning some errors here rather than committing. I installed `ecopy` via `pip` on Anaconda, Python 3.5. To run `import ecopy as ep`, I had to…
There are actually three problems going on
1. The environmental labels are being dropped. [Here](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/blob/master/skbio/stats/ordination/_canonical_correspondence_ana…
Biplot of PCA of evaluation scores
- Implement biplot
- Implement PAM scoring
- Robustness to error in BiocParallel
Is it possible to overplot/superimpose fviz_mca_biplot plots? if so, how? The `par(new=T)` convention I've seen for overplotting isn't working for me. I am trying to create overplots in jupyter notebo…
we have a two seperate cluster in PCoA 3D plot and it seems like none of the variables(such as age, food habit, etc.. when used alone to visualize) couldnt explain the clear cluster and it might …
Dear all,
It was great meeting with you a little over a week back. This is a follow-up email on a few items we spoke about.
1) Visualizations
There were two kinds of visualizations of textual simil…
ggfortify gives different PCA loadings in biplot when compared with stats::biplot ouput. This is also reported [here](http://stackoverflow.com/q/33996541/707145).
Composition Data analysis is an alternative technique to analyzing compositional data (aka data involving percentages and proportions).
Most of the OTU data that we are dealing with are inherently co…