I [wrote a unit-test](https://github.com/nightblade9/escape-to-earth/blob/master/EscapeToEarth.UnitTests/Generators/MapGeneratorTests.cs) for my map generation code. At a high-level, my map generation…
This also implies that Cellular Automata need to fundamentally change how they generate/check maps.
A `ThickMaze` is a maze where the walls themselves do not have zero thickness as in `Maze`.
Implementing `ThickMaze` will allow implementation of the cellular automata algorithms (see https://githu…
One thing missing on the School of Haskell is the ability to generate a PNG using `diagrams`.
In https://www.fpcomplete.com/user/edwardk/cellular-automata I'm forced to render to an SVG. This is rat…
Currently the ARMs are named with a multitude of standards, sometimes called "Volume X", other times called "Adventures ... Mathematics: X", rarely with their proper name. Similarly, the "Introduction…
`Error compiling for board M5Stack-Core-ESP32.`
I assumed it's a drop in replacement when I saw m5stack in the ili9341 code.
I know you've made some videos about cellular automata in the past, but I think it would be interesting to make a video about **The Game of Life**
Thank You.
AbdAlMoniem AlHifnawy.
Add possibility for a level to be generated using cellular automata to give a caves appearance.