I tried to use cntk in unity, but I tried to run "using Microsoft.MSR.CNTK.Extensibility.Managed", it always shows error"Missing MSR in Microsoft", and I always change the AnyCPU to X64. Please help m…
On Ubuntu, I followed the steps from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cognitive-toolkit/setup-linux-python?tabs=cntkpy21 and installed `CNTK and version check script python -c "import cntk; `print(cnt…
I am using the cntk image microsoft/cntk:2.2-cpu-python3.5 from https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/cntk/
When I am in the python environment inside the container 'import cntk' does not work. See e…
Throughout WCAG `1.4.4` Techniques there is reference to an upcoming clarification around a common misunderstanding of this SC. Is it text-only resize or browser zoom? Nobody knows.. is it bot…
I was able to compile and run unit tests successfully now ... and follow instructions
I'd like to build two-streams of ResNet. Each stream first feeds-forward through a ResNet. Then, the outputs of both streams are concatenated.
Is there anyway to build that model and make both strea…
In the transfer learning tutorials, pre-trained models are being downloaded from `https://www.cntk.ai/Models/*`. However, I can't find a listing of available pre-trained models that can be used in CNT…
At the moment, my primary browser is still Firefox 52 ESR, while I investigate the best options for replacing addons that are impossible to implement under WebExtensions restrictions. This is the …
I have a CNN that produces output size of `2x2x128`.
Connecting to LSTM of `32` nodes would give output `32x2x128` per time step.
What does this mean? What is the behavior of LSTM handling high di…
I heard the project is considering a polyfill approach to JavaScript cross-browser support.
I spoke to Nick Colley on Slack about the [disadvantages of polyfills](https://adamsilver.io/articles/the…