After we have Hospital Referral Region (HRR) aggregate date from #32, we can add in the dataset from this study:
This will al…
The New York Times has open sourced all their data here:
This includes country level information, which I know we have for Canada already. Up until now we …
nnoll updated
4 years ago
Who can help to crawl this website?
Natalia (@nataliadgepi) in https://github.com/neherlab/covid19_scenarios/issues/162 proposed the data from Canada.
If someone is available, feel free to check it out and start working.
Minecraft 1.16.4
NBT Crafting 2.0.3
Fabric Zero 0.2.0
Random Patches 2.1.0
MultiMC 0.6.11-1430
Fabric API 0.29.0
**Describe the bug**
Running these three mods alongside each othe…
When attempting to run with "Unlimited Beds", I get this message:
Simulation Object Data Item (gv ARef) not set
SET gv ARef.Replication = lv Replications
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# 🐛 Bug Report
Please note that this is not a bug in your software but a bug in the data from Spain you use and display alongside the model results.
The numbers for hospitalizations and ICU ad…
Hey Bibaldo,
Great plugin! I've been using it and adding some stats myself in the last weeks.
I see you've already added new deaths and new cases but there is one more stat the api provides.
The …
Several comments on the app e.g. https://github.com/thibautjombart/covid19_bed_occupancy/issues/35 suggested forecasts for the 2 types of hospitalisation could be on the same page. This is down to per…
Thank you for your wonderful model and great user friendly interface. I was wondering if Canadian data on cases could be added, specifically for each province. There is an open data source w…