Context: trying to work out if these should be in obo-core, and if they can be generalized beyond biology, e.g. geosamples.
Both sample and specimen are textually and logically defined in terms of …
Автоформатированные файлы: [HediffDef.zip](https://github.com/Ludeon/RimWorld-ru/files/4241255/HediffDef.zip)
Порядок действий:
1. Распаковать архив в перевод с заменой существующих файлов
2. Про…
Parse [MML treatment file](http://www.trec-cds.org/medline_treatments.tar.gz) and add it to ES index.
Format is `PMID UMLS_CUI preferred_term`, e.g.
10 C0012258 digitoxin
Each PMID li…
[This is an example](https://www.targetvalidation.org/evidence/ENSG00000168484/EFO_0003818) where multiple probes per gene are shown as separate pieces of evidence for the association between SFTPC & …
Could you plese tell me the abreviation for this elements?
Congestive heart failure
Peripheral vascular disease
Chronic pulmonary disease
Diabetes mellitus
Chronic liver disease
Maria Paula Magarinos has been looking at terms in EFO3 which may refer to the same disease, these should be reviewed. Note: Many of the cancer terms are due to incorrect synonyms or hierarchy.
LOINC has several codes that could be used to represent ER, PR and HER2 status. For example, for ER:
**Option 1. [85337-4](https://r.details.loinc.org/LOINC/85337-4.html?sections=Comprehensive) | E…
Hi @ethanwhite @henrykironde
It's my annual "trying to get undergrads up and running with Rdataretriever for a class exercise" problem. I want to make it as simple as possible for them to get up a…
Update to version 1.4 of the EOD algorithm
Recommend creating a new 'Procedure/Treatment' domain. There exist currently concepts in the 'Procedure Domain' that are more akin to the concept of a Treatment than a Procedure. These concepts most…