Hello there!
Previous version are working fine, 6.2.0-cbl1 and 6.2.0-cb1 won't pass GRUB show the errors:
error: ../../grub-core/loader/i386/efi/linux.c:408:kernel doesn't support EFI handover
First, thanks for your enormous work.
Currently there are 3 different themes on GNOME, both of them being visually different :
- default GTK3
- default GTK4
- GTK4 + LibAdwaita
Is …
Libadwaita uses `#3584E4` for the blue part of an active switch in both light and dark modes
The shadows of popovers are a bit too harsh in this theme and do not match libadwaita. Here a comparism:
Excellent theme! The only difference I notice are context menus. Can something be done about it?
![Screenshot from 2022-04-27 16-08-08](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14181749/165635404-…
Operating System: Fedora 35 Workstation x86_64
GTK3 version: 3.24.31 (packaged as `gtk3-3.24.31-2.fc35.x86_64`)
Chromium/Google Chrome version: Google Chrome 98.0.4758.102 (Official Build) (64-bit) …
The message list in Geary looks off. There seems to be wrong paddings on the containers. See the attached screenshots for reference:
Using the dark variant, I still get a light menu bar in Electron apps. This menu is dark when using the regular Adwaita-dark theme.
With the default Adwaita theme, all "classic" titlebars have the same height:
![Capture d’écran du 2022-02-17 18-43-53](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2780812/154540388-ca2dd4fc-6577-449b-…
First, thanks you for taking up the time to create this nice port, i think it will be essential to have in the transitioning phase of Gnome Apps to GTK4!
While i read about the reasons behind not u…