How do I enable flash socket transport? I have already set my server add flash socket transport but my client in IE9 cant still connect. What do i need to set in client?
I want to use something like socket.io or sock.js or signalr in project but I'm newbie in clojure and jvm. As I know there is no implementations of socket.io server for http-kit or aleph. Also I know …
Exception Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/1wj887
Oct 10, 2013 7:18:26 PM io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer safeRelease
WARNING: Failed to release a message.
I have no idea what this issue is abou…
My program is running on two machines behind nginx.
When I open a connection to the server, this exception would throwed:
Unauthorized client with sessionId: 1a38b2c3-07e1-4726-a47b-d801f8f12e2e, f…
Hello Nikita,
I'm confronted to a new bug :
Versions :
With version 1.6.2 to 1.6.4-SNAPSHOT;
It doesn't append with the 1.6.0. (maven doesn't recognise the 1.6.1).
What happen :
My server use SendE…
Look at netty-socketio's demo.
After click disconnect button in NameSpace demo.
I could continue send message.
It is seem like allClients.remove(client) in com.corundumstudio.socketio.namespace.Names…
We resolved this issue by iterating through the indexes and cancelling them.
I'm not f…
We resolved this issue by calling removeCallback() and calling onTimeout() on that callback instead of the passed in one. This will be null if it has already been cancelled. Otherwise it would call .o…
[nioEventLoopGroup-3-5] ERROR com.corundumstudio.socketio.handler.PacketHandler - Exception occurs
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.net.URLConnection.getContentLengthLong()J
at com.corundumstudio…
Bug occurs in netty-socketio project (based on netty 4.0.13)
During packets sending
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Could you explain how…