`Alternative` basically allows us to combine two `F` into `F[(A, B)]]` or `F[Either[A, B]]` along with identities for each.
This maps perfectly onto racing (where `IO.never` is the identity) and runn…
I am going to start building the Realworld application using [Imba](http://imba.io/).
`Imba treats DOM elements as a first-class citizens. These elements are compiled to an inline dom, which is an …
As a frontend developer, I want to know, which information, e.g. environment variables or interface definitions, deployment information, are needed to deploy the extended scenario services.
Having been frustrated by `vuex-typescript` I thought I would give this ago but I find that I am struggling without, apparently, any examples of how to import and use the modules (and the getters, act…
I've created a [Feathers](https://feathersjs.com/) backend implementation at: https://github.com/randyscotsmithey/feathers-realworld-example-app.git.
This implementation depends on Node, Expre…
# Current Status
- https://github.com/dnikolovv/dev-adventures-realworld
When trying to register or login, it shows me validation error:
Hey folks,
I've put together [a RealWorld implementation using PureScript and its most popular UI library, Halogen](https://github.com/thomashoneyman/purescript-halogen-realworld). It includes an i…
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Times says that the precision cannot be more than milliseconds, and we got nano instead: https://carc.in/#/r/68k2
I have several components with differents templates but with some common logic part.
Today I can do like this:
import MySharedLogic;
export default {
oncreate() {