## lightweight-human-pose-estimation-3d-demo.pytorch
repo: https://github.com/Daniil-Osokin/lightweight-human-pose-estimation-3d-demo.pytorch
### Models
- pytorch model: [human-pose-estimatio…
请问自己的训练模型如何生成这个action_dict.pkl 有和prediction.pkl文件
I want to visualize other format of human pose. Do 3D Realtime visualization support this ?
I'm working on a project involving 3D human pose estimation and have been utilizing the SMPL model for visualizing the reconstructed human actions. While everything appears fine when viewed from the c…
First of all, thank you for delivering this incredible work!
I'm interested in customizing the current model to estimate the 3D pose of objects like a baseball bat or tennis racket in the h…
Hi, just a mark.
I am rebuilding the code of MixSTE (https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.00859) to support the MMPose, the training on the MPII dataset has been finished, and the training on H36M may also b…
Adds support for pose estimation network. Here are some model from open model zoo. You can pick anyone from those model or any other pose estimation model you are prefer.
Currently, the reconstruction is done on the image patch of the detected human bounding box. I tried directly rendering the reconstructed poses of a video with fixed camera parameters, but the result …
I want to run it on live rtsp cam link or webcom so how to get it done?
Will you release the code of demo, whose input is 3D human pose?