When I try use format ADTS with -f adts or simply using output/filename.aac says that format not supported
This simple recursive data structure fails to derive an Encoder:
sealed trait Tree;
case class Branch(l: Tree, r: Tree) extends Tree;
case object Leaf extends Tree;
With this error:
- 1m away from my router
- using localhost mp3 through `python3 -m http.server`
results: lots of jittering.
actions tried:
- increase esp32 cpu frequency
- increase AudioFileSour…
I couldn't find an equivalent function in `prelude-ts` so please let me know if this exists and I am just missing it.
A common pattern on ADTs (algebraic data types) is `ap` (short for apply).
When plotting distributions for ADTs, the axes should mention that the expression uses log-scale values for clarity. On a similar note, the ability to define annotations for each assay in the config a…
It appears that the `:+:` type operator in `Data.Comp.Ops` can be replaced with using the one from `GHC.Generics` (which appears to be a poly-kinded version of the same thing).
Did you consider usi…
This is the first step in 💯 fantasy-land integration of `ap`. Will define `applyTo` on all `Apply` types which will match the fantasy-land signature. This will be the method that will eventually map t…
First of all, impressive library! Really fun to work with.
I'd like to suggest making defineUnion part of the library's API. While there are other libraries that are specifically dedicated to creat…
leeor updated
6 years ago
因为代码中默认写的 是aac 如果视频文件的音轨是mp3格式就会报错
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.aac', delete=False)
[adts @ 0000021071a3cf80] Only AAC streams can be muxed by the ADTS muxer
[out#0/adts @ …
Converting to AAC with ADTS Producess files with padding, how can avoid this? When testing with ffmpeg + libfdk_aac codec this not happens