Submit your add-ons in this issue, thanks for your contribution!
Submission template:
**Description:** (a short description to be shown on the addon download window)
**Proposed c…
I love your Light Pollution Atlas. But that page can only be found though search engines.
Could you add an entry on your main page too? It's just beautiful.
Expected Behaviour
Good performance in rendering everything (high fps)
Actual Behaviour
Bad performance in general, very low fps when moving view around (status bar displays 15 but movement i…
OSMand don't support the club Key as POI on the map. Should be shown on the map like the rest of the POI’s.
It would be important that all under ke…
Thanks 'jantheman' for your comment on Libraw.org forum re issue 2711. I appreciate it.
I have downloaded your 'LibRawWrapper' via NuGet into VS2019 running VB.NET. Changed compile option to X64. R…
Hi can anyone help me fix accuracy? The official date time for March Equinox 2022 is 20 March 2022, 15:33 (GMT)
Using the code below:
_Originally posted by @quiode in https://github.com/quiode/nowple/issues/14#issuecomment-1107898225_
Receiving a numerous amount of these when running the example below:
Example 3 - Cross Correlation Sample and Phase Coherent Check
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_P…
I'm unable to use the File Meta Sink in GRC 3.9.5 Release 2022.02.07 due to GRC not being able to access pmt.
The default value for Extra Dict causes an error:
`Param - Extra Dict.(extra_dict):
Submit your add-ons in this issue, thanks for your contribution!
Submission template:
**ID:** (optional, use only for updating pre-existing mobi addons)
**Description:** (a short d…