I couldn't even run the app, here is what I got on `npm install`
MacBook-Air:ReactNativeSampleApp-master Arbor$ npm install
> bufferutil@1.1.0 install /Users/Arbor/Desktop/ReactNativeSampleApp-m…
NeXML is an emerging standard, and the preferred way to import trees to OpenTree. We should try to support it eventually. NeXML is supported by the Python ETE library. Maybe we can add ETE to the Py…
Currently, arbor-build-catalogue (a-b-c) is a python script. It uses the python API of arbor, the arbor cmake config file and then cmake, to find the right compiler to call and where the right modcc b…
I am in the process of replacing `setuptools` with `skbuild` and one issue that remains
is that a script gets installed that is built by CMake via `configure_file` with a macro that
depends on `CMAK…
the most common manipulation I need to do to get aRbor to read a tree is to make the tree binary.
Can we add a check when we read trees into any easy mode app:
is.binary.tree(phy) - if it returns FA…
Objects like the cable cell `decor` are copyable in the C++ interface, but while one can construct a copy of `decor` (and others) with explicit use of the constructor, i.e. `arbor.decor(other_decor)`,…
BPO | [44956](https://bugs.python.org/issue44956)
--- | :---
Nosy | @serhiy-storchaka
*Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current …
Aspect | Detail
Summary | The set of three neuroscience models to be run in the three way multi-scale co-simulation.
Task Area | Configuration
Can you confirm which OpenTree API methods you are using in Arbor? We are about to update our APIs to v3 and also cleaning up the code that serve the synthetic tree. We have an unpublicized method cal…
2017-09-10 04:29:02,490 - root - INFO - set proxy to
2017-09-10 04:29:02,496 - root - INFO - ============ Begin upload ============
2017-09-10 04:29:02,496 - root - IN…