Autopager is not working
[The Super_preloaderPlus_one_New script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/33522-super-preloaderplus-one-new) automatically loads the next page on web site.
It exhibits a problem on certain forum t…
Hallo best bib(la)tex!
I'd like to use clickable URLs. However they are displayed in the bibliography with some escaped characters rubbisch most obvious for \ or { and }.
I guess this is related to …
When doing a reverse image search on Google, the results are displayed in groups of 10 per page, with a small thumbnail next to each representing the image found. The thumbnail is important since som…
So I set [craigslist](https://newyork.craigslist.org/search/zip?) to use iframes because pics weren't loading, which worked, but some images are slideshows when hovered, which weren't working.
Thank you for your fork. I am using it instead of the original Autopagerize extension.
I promove it in Vivaldi Browser Forum, so more people use it:
[[求助] Super_preloaderPlus_one的谷歌搜索自动翻页](https://bbs.kafan.cn/thread-2164714-1-1.html)
https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/33522-super-preloaderplus-one-new/diff?v2=748523&v1=748247 v6.8.0正常,v6.8.4…
### 我使用的是win10系统,谷歌浏览器最新版。
- 操作系统 **e Windows **
Chrome 84.0.4147.125**
- 简悦版本 **2.0.0**
You should create some more accurate documentation on how to make custom rules. It's very unclear on how to set url, insertBefore, pageElement, and nextLink.