Health Bonus calculated depending on whether you go down once, twice or not at
Basically having 4 people in the saferoom black and white all 4 on 30 temp
health should result in a lower he…
Certain parts of Unicord's UI have become somewhat dated over time, this is a list (subject to change) detailing visual changes I plan to make currently. Feedback is welcome of course :p
- [x] Rep…
Health Bonus calculated depending on whether you go down once, twice or not at
Basically having 4 people in the saferoom black and white all 4 on 30 temp
health should result in a lower he…
I would like to make the blue pill version but cannot find the design files. Please can you publish or direct me to it.
My dog is a programmer. Sorry, was a programmer. He tried to create a fork of nocode and died in the process due to circumstances beyond his control, which I don't even understand. How do I seek compe…
You only list the tags of the Hugo posts. But Hugo also supports [`categories` as taxonomies](https://gohugo.io/content-management/taxonomies/#example-front-matter-with-taxonomies). Could you please a…
Hi! I've been trying to get this ST7789 1.3" 240x240 TFT screen to work with a Black Pill board (F411CEU6) with no luck. The screen stays blank with the backlight on when I try to run the LCD_Test() f…
### People
Good afternoon.
Have you tried running this [code](https://vitroid.github.io/M5Stack%20Gray/) on stm32f4?
I bought 2 [STM32 boards](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001636656122.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.ffb74c4doo3a3s) did everything according to the guide and flashed latest firmware via ST-Link v2. …