They dont render correctly
Add them to the rgd redis db
Hey, I've been using this tool and found it very useful.
I was curious if you had considered [submitting it to BLURB](https://microsoft.github.io/BLURB/submit.html), which is a collection of resour…
We should try to do a quick sweep through all of these and change them to the same text, which better reflects the actual copyright (which is held jointly by all libuv project contributors, per https:…
Hi @dvntsea,
Does Wednesday at 9am still work for you to schedule gitshow sessions in the lab?
Also I edited the blurb that you provided feedback on, [here](https://github.com/michaelpalumbo/ph…
It might be nice to allow for a meta-language in blurbs that facilitate a primitive post-processing.
For example,
Could be something like this:
Needs to not depend on mouseover
**Data Access & Quality**
MSD Update: Reminder that the new semi-long format of the MSD will take effect in FY19Q2. The systems team and DAQ will be developing an updated user guides for this new for…
In connection with a couple of workshops that I have organized this fall, I ended up creating this standard advertising blurb (a lot of it cribbed from @lexnederbragt, IIRC).
the component has class names that can be changed through the UserPosts.css