[JetRacer Assembly Manual](https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/JetRacer_Assembly_Manual)
[JetRacer Assembly Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn2QYPFADdo)
IDE 1.8.13, Platform linux64, Ubuntu 20.04.1
Have not be able to update boards using board manager. This error is the same as reported #10335 (and closed) last year. The apparent solution does not …
Updating my Arduino core yields this error, which sounds like it would potentially leave an unfinished installation:
`Warning: non trusted contribution, skipping script execution (C:\Users\Timon\Ap…
I am running Visual Studio Code in a docker container. When I open the Board Manager I just see a connection failed message to localhost:.
In localWebServer.js I changed fixed the port and configured…
### User story
As a challenge manager, in order to manage submissions and their evaluations process efficiently, I would like to be able to access all submissions for a single challenge.
#### Using `arduino-cli` and compiling with c++ compiler flags -O1, -O2 and -O3 appears to silently break the encoder angle reading.
#### Compiling with:
arduino-cli \
--config-file $PWD…
### User story
As a challenge manager, in order to provide fair and considered evaluation and scoring for submissions, I would like to be able to view and edit evaluators scores.
**Acceptance criter…
### User story
As a challenge manager, in order to ensure that a valid form is available for the evaluators to use, I would like a form to be validated for errors and valid logic before it is saved.
### Describe the bug
I noticed multiple issues with the service
- when used with per-user PipeWire daemon (pipewire-pulse), and I'd suspect normal pulse too, it will fail to play due to the inabil…
I cloned ardupilot repository to make some changes. I have no problem with building FC firmwares. the problem is when I build a new bootloader, let me explain
I use a board with stm32h743 mcu.…