![Image of Yaktocat](http://i.imgur.com/HVREzP0.png)
I have tuned a pre trained SqueezNet Caffe Model using DIGITS. Everything seems to work fine except when I try to classify an image through DIGITS…
Recently, I downloaded the network definition files and the weight files to test the model on my own data.
However, I find the weight files '*.caffemodel' are quite small, just for 4KB. I wonder…
Hi, I want to transform darknet-tiny.weight to caffemodel, I have got a darknet-tiny.weight of myself.But when I use your yolov3_darknet2caffe.py code to get caffemodel, error. This is my logfile.
你好 传奇305,
As given in [this example file](https://github.com/Tencent/ncnn/blob/master/examples/mobilenetssd.cpp), I tried to convert [mobilenetssd model](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3gersZ2cHIxRm5PMWRoTkd…
Hi, I was trying to test this model on ImageNet VID (no modification to the code) and I used the trained models linked in the repo homepage (like [this one](http://ftp.tugraz.at/pub/feichtenhofer/dete…
Dear all,
I'm not sure about which prototxt should I use when i attempt to convert the darknet model to a caffemodel. Since I've cloned the repo, I possess 2 prototxts into the 2 directories:
Hi, anybody know how to transfer a pre-trained caffe model to .mat format which can be used in Matconvnet? To be specific, I want to use places cnn model which was trained for scene classification tas…
I used the script to convert weights to caffemodel with the commond "python convert_weights_to_caffemodel.py", while it came the error :
model file is yolo.prototxt
weight file is yolo.weights…
According to your paper, the top fifth layer was initiated on `tracker_init.caffemodel`. How do you create `tracker_init.caffemodel`? Do you copy weigh from `CaffeNet`(which is 230M) to both the two s…