## Context
Develop a responsive Information Card component based on the provided design specifications. The card will display key details about services, grants, and web resources, and it will be reu…
### Describe the bug / 问题描述
问题1:edge在style设置隐藏后,使用drag-canvas、zoom-canvas 和 optimize-viewport-transform 一起使用时,拖拽画布和缩放画布时,会导致edge隐藏失效;
Any time an entity with a script is deactivated there's an error. Levels where lots of entities are being created and destroyed causes spam.
**Steps to reproduce**
1. Open Editor
2. Add an entity…
Hello, I'm new to programming and github so excuse any omission or issue with this Issue. Let me know if uploading part of the code would help, I wasn't sure whether I should.
I'm working on an ap…
I would like to use ipycanvas in a Jupyter Notebook to let the user draw something. Whenever the user releases the mouse, a callback is called. The user can use a freehand tool to draw lines on the ca…
### Expected behavior
I have a line chart that updates every second with live data.
Every time data is received it is pushed onto a `dataset.data`. (not re-constructed)
I have enabled decimation …
### What happened?
The current `onDrop` handler for the TLDraw canvas immediately bails if the firing event doesn't have any files within the `dataTransfer`.
async function onDrop(e: React.Dr…
TIL about `ImageDecoder`: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ImageDecoder
WebCodecs Animated GIF Renderer
let imageDecoder = null;
let image…
Sans serif
const svgData = `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${Buffer.from(svgString).toString('base64')}`;
const img = await loadImage(svgData);
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.widt…
Getting MapleStory version from exe IMO is not a good idea.
1. Finding the version from the exe on disk is probably slower than doing a few hundred in-memory loop iterations. When parsing a WZ file…