We have a couple of quality of life issues that a "bus" could help us obviate
- some patches use chorus, some do not. chorus is currently synth-wide. so it makes it hard to do a multimbral operati…
Would it be possible to support the Kodi Chorus 2 web api? See https://github.com/xbmc/chorus2/
**EDIT:** Prendre dateVersement si existe sinon dateDebut
Chorus nous a dit qu'un EJ pouvait correspondre à plusieurs "demande" et donc il faut faire un lien fort entre EJ-SIRET-EXERCICE (exercice ét…
## Bug report
### Describe the bug
Here is a clear and concise description of what the problem is:
While channel icons work fine inside Kodi, they are not shown in Chorus or Kore.
The re…
Besoin exprimé par les équipes d'admin du Ministère de la Culture
Priorité moyenne pour le Ministère de la Culture
État d’avancement ? (seule l’instruction métier est possible actuellement) à po…
### Describe the bug
as the description says.
### Steps To Reproduce
1. Give yourself a broken firefighter robot.
2. Cant disassembly it.
### Screenshots
Hello Antonio,
I found a bug in the Stereo Chorus Tremolo:
when I run my patch 1 of 5 times I have a huge bass saturation and this without any input...
You can see it in the screenshot
Basic viability
- is cloud-ready
- [ ] yes
- [ ] **no**
- shared service?
- [ ] yes and is FedRAMPed
- [ ] no, FedRAMP is not applicable
- [x] **yes and is not FedRAMPed**
- is act…
The 0.6.1 release brought the follow feature:
"Shortcuts added for lyric presentations. 1-9 are used for changing verses, and
C for Chorus." (From changelog)
This feature is specially needed on …
- [ ] #1406
- [ ] #2179
- [ ] https://github.com/betagouv/api-subventions-asso/issues/2349