If user goes to a translated version of boston.gov and clicks a link **within an iframe** the translation should carry through and a user should be taken to the boston.gov page in the language that th…
Update Career Centers URL in PROD 5/26 to the following: https://sso.boston.gov/idp/startSSO.ping?PartnerSpId=icims.com&TargetResource=https%3A//employeeconnect-boston.icims.com/r.jsp
I get errors like this when I run flow:
1: // @flow
^ merge_strict_job exception: Utils_js.Key_not_found("LeaderHeap", "/Users/forbeslindesay/GitHub/bicycle/…
Could you please send me the Logo URL that I can use within iCIMS.
Jira: https://bostondoit.atlassian.net/browse/DIG-61
the ESS tile seems to be using ess.boston.gov (the Production environment) - should be going to a TEST environment?
Once the user initiates a search for Street Sweeping reminders the user will be navigated to a results page based on their search criteria. Search results my yield a list if the search was loosely def…
In testing during a recent meeting with the Mayor's Office of Housing, we were unable to submit a new listing to the [Metrolist listing form](https://www.boston.gov/departments/neighborhood-developmen…
Jira: https://bostondoit.atlassian.net/browse/DIG-62
For password fields in Access Boston (at Sign In Page, when creating/updating password) include the option for the user to chose to unmask (show…
A blue sky project for now, but wanted to put it up here.
Lisa at BPL has reached out about doing a video story on this program at some point. They just announced their first round of graduates from …
We need to redirect rentsmart.boston.gov (resolving to https://rentsmart.boston.gov/index.html) to this url:
For our records, as of March 21, 2022: