I would like to know what's the best way to create compound CRS with a EPSG geodetic CRS and user vertical CRS.
The question is done because there's not any coordinate operations to do this…
Coordinate Conversion allows you to add a set of coordinates to the list and make selections on that list by clicking values on the list or coordinate locations on the map. It also allows you to expor…
I believe we have found a bug whereby within a model file at the location:
jointset --> --> SpatialTransform --> --> LinearFunction
if the coefficients are not set to "1 0", but instead…
Maarten has a method in mind which is much much faster than Proj4.
## "There is a rich world of indices and coordinates right in front of your doorstep, just go outside and pick any."
No really .. there are so many coordinates in FACT, just have a look at the [FACTm…
I am sitting next to @JervenBolleman, he is showing me his conversion of swisslipids to obo/owl based on https://beta.sparql.swisslipids.org/. It would be great if we can agree on a canonical serializ…
## Environment
- Xcode version: 15.0
- iOS version: 17.1.2
- Devices affected: iPad Pro, Simulator
- Maps SDK Version: v11 (11.0.0-beta.2 and 11.2.0)
## Observed behavior and steps to reprodu…
When I use the pixel coordinate system, the rectangle went out of view.
**Describing the problem:**
threejs element position using a different set of coordinate system than the one used to reposi…
I am trying to run below command.
`tl copy "postgis://username:password@host_id:5432/test?table=schema.lines&geometry_field=geom&srid=3857&layerName=road" "mbtiles://./belgium-tiles.mbtiles" -z 1 …
## The problem
Continuation of #7851
Changes for usage of native.click in iOS are very close to getting there!
Adding a screenshot for clarity...
- The red dot is the location that was cl…