I'm attempting to install [detectron][] to do some prototyping for GRS, but the pip install (in a virtualenv) failes for missing `cusparse.h` headers. The headers are available but not installed.
The test `KokkosKernels_UnitTest_Cuda --gtest_filter=cuda.sparse_spgemm_double_int_int_TestExecSpace` fails at runtime with the following output:
terminate called after throwing an instance of…
It seems that recent cuda versions have changed a few `cusparse*` signatures. In particular, `cusparseScsrmv` (e.g., [here](https://github.com/jwetzl/MAPSuperresolution/blob/92b9c91b13fd1066f41e5f4f1…
Hi, on WSL2 Debian I followed
1. Setup script (recommended)
At the end of the installation I see the following error:
`Testing the installation... Generating SMILES for P29275 (A2AR_HUMAN) us…
██ [ br@breach: scikits.cuda ] [ 19:38:38 ]
██ tail scikits/cuda/cusparse.py
As of 0.16, when building from source, many CuSparse deprecated messages are shown polluting the log and making it easy to miss valid warnings. Most of the deprecation messages are of the form:
## Features in This Release
### BLAS
### RNG
### DFT
### Sparse BLAS
### Documentation update
## Known Issues and Limitations
### Configurations
cuSPARSELt version: 0.6.1
Hardware: H20 8x
cuda version: 12.4
Driver: 550.90.07
### Problem
When integrating cuSPARSE into our inference engine, some H20 tests reported errors in t…
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/test_imu_calib.dir/build.make:107:/home/zzh/imu_tk-master/src/bin/test_imu_calib] 错误 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:775:CMakeFiles/test_imu_calib.dir/all] 错误 2
zzhmx updated
2 weeks ago
This is a tracking issue for a bug observed in [cuGraph PR 4088](https://github.com/rapidsai/cugraph/pull/4088), which adds CUDA 12.2 support.
The error log looks like this:
22/28 Test #20:…
bdice updated
9 months ago