# Background Info
It was decided that building our own WYSIWYG editor is not the way we want to go. So we want this spike to determine the best way to include a WYSIWYG editor with our Text Area compo…
Ideas for further cards that come directly from the community. We can include these in the 3rd pack or when replacing existing cards.
First suggestions (more please just as comments):
* "Hit par…
## (オブジェクト指向における) getter/setter メソッドの使いどころ - Qiita
- https://qiita.com/CostlierRain464/items/07f46ba005c6c9bb42e2
- ゲッタ,セッタについての使いどころをJava, PHPで比較解説。Kotlinあたりだとこのゲッタセッタが自動で生成される前提になってて getH…
## The problem
Right not libraries are grouped by platform with the base not having a sub directory.
- core
- scss
- features
- users
- nativescript
- core
- scss
- fe…
I first of all thank you for cqrs_tools and blunt.
We are trying to migrate to blunt but have no idea on how to apply the migration.
Do you have a sample project we could use ?
# (Edit) Steps t…
### Description
The PHP `printf` rule is triggering issues on URLs like "SprintForTheCause".
### How to reproduce the misbehavior (-> curl call)
curl -H "x-format-output: txt-matched-r…
## I'm submitting a...
[ ] Regression
[ ] Bug report
[ ] Feature request
[x] Documentation issue or request
[ ] Support request => Please do not submit support request here, instead post…
The `abstract class Value Object` in the section [value object implementation-in c](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/microservices/microservice-ddd-cqrs-patterns/implement-value-o…
Research and discovery work needs to be done to gather insights and understandings about case management flows and requirements. This will ensure that the case management patterns and t…
As stated in the beginning of the page: `use domain events to explicitly implement side effects across multiple aggregates` and also the purpose of domain events is to notify that something has alread…