When run 'run_pplm.py', COMPAC_MODEL(None) always raises error.
How can I modify the code?
I am reading through the code base and paper and am trying to understand where in the code the MMI criterion is implemented and used. My guess is that during evaluation the source and target sentence …
I first extract contexts from `test.refs.txt` (6000 lines)
cat test.refs.txt | cut -f 1 > test.source
and extract multi ref files (use up to 15 per sample)
for (( i=2; i refs…
First of all, thank you very much for your help. I have encountered a problem and hope you can answer it. I used myself to implement the automatic evaluation indicators, but the results are quite diff…
I was retraining the model on my own dataset and with a single GPU
Training Command
python LSP_train.py --model_name_or_path ./models/small --init_checkpoint N…
I am reproducing your results. I was wondering if you can share the pretrained model for response generation?
Otherwise, I cannot get the results you reported in the thesis.
Hey @tosingithub, I'm currently working on a school project about chatbots in Africa. How exactly did you go about building your chatbot using an African Language corpus?
## Programming & Computing Sub-Reddits
Dataset URL - [awesome list of programming subreddits](https://github.com/iCHAIT/awesome-subreddits) [Code Pile Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadshe…
課題論文:『GPT(Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training)』(https://bit.ly/2Btqdno)
* GPT-2やGPT-3に関するものでも構いません
Thanks for this great project!
I have a few issues with the models though.
It is rather confusing that you get an error message regarding a missing OpenAI token if you try the setup guide.
For me…