It could be handy to be able to ignore certain report variants and/or skip checks at all levels in a target repo.
While this could be done for individual versions via comments in ebuilds similar to…
Containeres cannot be used to build `ebuild`s that require kernel
modifications or special kernel modules. Add a `libvirt` bases backened to
allow for virtual machines.
Without proper bash parsing support, this could still do things like updating file headers and fixing EOF lines and the functionality should be available for external use so `pkgdev commit` would auto…
Along the lines of #1 I propose we should move fetch-restricted ebuilds to extras, with similar reasoning. Fetch restrictions make packages impossible to test.
ref: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=610182
* ERROR: media-gfx/noteshrink-0.1.1::jorgicio failed (depend phase):
* No supported implementation in PYTHON_COMPAT.
* Call stack:
* ebuild.sh, line 609: Called sou…
Some libraries (e.g. `sumtype`) require a DMD compiler frontend >= `2.098` in order to build.
Like the title says, this ebuild seems to be missing from the gentoo repositories, could you perhaps find this ebuild from somewhere and add it to your repository?
I'm missing these dependencies wi…
It's EOL and not in PYTHON_COMPAT anymore...
* ERROR: dev-python/compizconfig-python-0.8.18::compiz-reloaded failed (depend phase):
* No supported implementation in PYTHON_COMPAT.
I already made proposal to gentoo bugtracker for specmatch & scikits_audiolab ebuilds. Main problem seems to be that it is python2 based, not even mentioning that it uses pygtk:2.