`{correlation}` now provides two possible ways to cite the package (introduced in https://github.com/easystats/correlation/pull/271):
- R package version
- JOSS paper version
``` r
Currently, since we don't include favicons in the repo, they need to be generated each time the pkgdown website is built, and we would like to avoid this expensive operation.
So, what you need to d…
From the README:
## We fitted a linear model (estimated using OLS) to predict Sepal.Length with Species (formula =
## Sepal.Length ~ Species). Standardized parameters were obtained by fitting…
Related to https://github.com/easystats/effectsize/issues/420
model Warning message:
#> Could not access model information.
Multiple checks are currently failing. They should be fixed before the next CRAN submission
── Test failures ───────────────────────────────────────────────── testthat ────
> # Generate sna…
Dear @ekleiman1 - I am using the lme.dscore() function in a current project with a simple lme4 model, `dv ~ two_level_factor + (1|subject_id)`, where each subject contributes two observations, one per…
It would be nice to include an option to add the SE or variance in `cohen_d()`, etc. to facilitate use of effectsize with meta-analyses.
as per https://github.com/easystats/effectsize/pull/366
This affects, by default, Phi, Cohen's *w*, Cramer's *V*, ANOVA effect sizes, rank Epsilon squared, Kendall's *W* - which now will all defaul…
# What I did.
I computed GLMMs on a high performance computing cluster. I imported these in my local R-Studio as RDS-files. Now, I am trying to plot diagnostic plots following the procedures laid out…
**Describe the bug**
I was doing a comparison between the results of `emmeans::eff_size()` and `effectsize::t_to_d()`, and come up with very different results
**To Reproduce**
``` r