I'd like to be able to author blog posts in markdown, but sprinkle in a few helper calls here and there. Does stasis support any way to embed some ruby snippets in a markdown file?
When my config is:
EnableDefaultLinters: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
and I run `erb_lint -a` it does this correction.
+++ b/app/views/…
ERB snippets don't work as expected. cmd+shift+> doesn't toggle.
if+tab doesn't enclose code in
end + tab has a has a dash
else+tab generates php
Ruby/Rails completion just not that great.
### Product
### Feature Description
I was looking into using the axe Accessibility Linter in VSCode for a Rails project, and was trying to find if there was an option to add additional fil…
There's a few `
### What we should change and why (this is tech debt)
There are a couple of templates in erb
for example app/views/spree/admin/shared/_address_form.html.haml brought from spree that we can now conve…
This (valid) Rails helper shows a syntax error, but it shouldn't.
Removing the equal sign eliminates the syntax error, but also the generated code.
I think the old problem of issue #20 still apply when using precompiling.
With compiled views and some override to "spree/admin/products/new" i get:
Processing by Spree::Admin::ProductsController…
### Description
### Ruby LSP Information
#### VS Code Version
#### Ruby LSP Extension Version
#### Ruby LSP Server Version
#### Ruby LSP Addons
- Ruby LSP Rails
#### Ruby…
# 概要