Mit dem Build kommt jedes mal die Meldung Cant find any Pokestop in Range of xxx meters.
Mit einem Build von gestern klappt alles wunderbar.
In beiden die selben legit settings.
Just like many here I was banned gor using the bot and I couldn't farm pokestops but could catch pokemon. Now after 24h I can farm again so it is a new typ op softban not a perm ban
why i cant farm pokestops and catch any pokemon after Unban ? :OO
Add Farm only mode. Doesnt visit all pokestops only when u run out of pokeballs. Farms all pokemons.
Add proxy support maybe to avoid those ip bans.
when all pokeball out of stock, bot will auto stop catch pokemons,
Then the bot did farm pokestop, but didn't spin pokestop, so don't get any pokeball to restore the pokeball, please to check it, tha…
i just downloaded the lastest version, and i got this problem, the bot goes to the pokestops but it dosesn't farm them at all
screenshot: http://store1.up-00.com/2016-08/1472473602581.png
# …
I keep running out of pokeballs to the point to where it seems like I'll have to buy them in order to keep some. Is anyone else having this issue?
Please check configuration at http://jsonlint.com/ before posting an issue.
### Expected Behavior
Bot walks, spins pokestops and catches pokemon
### Actual Behavior
Bot walks, spins pokestops and ca…
![360 16180929536994](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20891215/17464418/c2197784-5d10-11e6-8530-0306ac74abbe.png)
Encounter Pokemon fled but Pokestops can be farmed. How to resolve this?
Is there an option to ignore Pokestops and just farm Pokemon?
ghost updated
8 years ago