Recently I have integrated age & gender detection feature in my electron app. It is integrated and tested on laptop, and everything works perfect. Both age & gender prediction have very less…
Hello, can I use any other face detectors for age and gender detection? Will the results be the same if I do the preprocessing the same way as here?
Andrea, Juan, etc
only the most frequent should be considered.
related https://github.com/DavideViolante/gender-detection-from-name/pull/79
Hello everyone, here are some scripts that can convert insightface params to onnx model. These scripts have been sorted out various methods of exporting MXNet params or insightface params on the GitHu…
### Feature description
Since even the same subject often receives an age detection that differs a lot depending on the photo chosen, I wondered if it would be possible to specify the subject age (so…
HI. i have checked Your code and its working fine on still. When i ran the model of Webcam, it always displayed man and women as man. can you please provide some help?
I am trying your code for age detection. I am starting by using Predict.py file but it is looking for checkpoint files that are not available in this repository. Specifically:
Is there any way to know if face is missing from camera or not. I tried everyting but nothing helps.
setInterval(async () => {
const detections = await faceapi
Hello arun,
Trying to execute train.py file , showing syntax in
(( File "train.py", line 26
ap.add_argument("-m", "--model", type=str, default="gender_detection.model",