WOF has 19 counties and the capital city.
For reference, Statoids lists 19 counties, 1 capital city, 23 urban counties / county boroughs/ cities of county right.
WOF is missing the 23 urban counti…
Refers to @maurolepore's [slack comment](https://2investinginitiative.slack.com/archives/C02NDH6SD3P/p1710336749007439).
NUTS3 data of several countries could be accessible from the function directly,…
The script below returns an error message when the year is 2010, 2013, or 2016. For the remaining years (2003, 2006, 2021), everything works fine. The error is:
HTTP Status Code: 503 - Service…
# downloaded at https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/geodata/administrative-units/countries
# read and preprocess data
mutate(EU_STAT = (EU_STAT == "T"),
- Portland: has changed the address to a pretty strange version http://rtp.trimet.org/prod?maxTransfers=3&_dc=1409587258317&from=&to=&arriveBy=false&time=12%3A00%20pm&ui_date=9%2F1%2F2014&mode=TRANSIT…
Something like below would be useful. The pseudocode is meant as a rough guide.
# extract data for selected country
def extractForShape(predictor_dataset, shapefile, country):
# …
I put here an example of STAC item which is correctly validated by [STACLint](https://staclint.com/) but that returns an error in STAC Browser validation.
I believe the problem is the URI path to t…
# Steps to Reproduce
View the Rianna hair from Moda Designs: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MODA/57/147/26
# Actual Behavior
A mesh hair that looks correct to Windows users appears broken…
Entire dataset downloads if any spatialtype is specified.
I maintain the `countrycode` package and it looks like the upcoming version will cause a break in your package. The issue seems minor, related only to a reference in the documentation: