|2 years|2 years|2 Joer|
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|2 hours before|2 jam lepas|This should rather be '2 jam sebelum' because 'lepas' means 'after'. Refer: The [official dictionary](https://prpm.dbp.gov.my/Cari1?keywo…
### Describe your suggested feature
### Description
Adding these machine translation alternatives will increase the number of languages supported for machine translation up to [200](https://ai.fac…
Hi can I get access to code base, so that we can make improvements/changes on top of it?
So that volunteers can contribute words and edit/delete wrong words
CedPane have this definition:
```報錯 报错 [bao4 cuo4] /error (message)/```
CC-CEDICT have this [definition](https://cc-cedic…
### Describe the issue
I've update https://weblate.bubu1.eu to version 4.13.1 and then started getting errors about missing `boto3` package:
`Error importing module weblate.machinery.aws in WEBLATE_…
### Describe the issue
Since around the time we upgraded to 5.2.1 (not sure if this caused the issue to appear or just coincided with it) browsing https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/confluencemo…
Bubu updated
11 months ago
When trying to define a word, running into a invalid respond error.
➜ ~ define invalid
The source returned an invalid response
_From @amirh123123 on September 14, 2018 8:50_
_Copied from original issue: openzim/mwoffliner#374_
* посредник
* средина
терминът се ползва в express.js, но мисля, че се появява и друг път като някакво средно нещо. ако правехме думи като англо-говорящите, щяхме да кажем 'междинно…