**Issue by [tshelburne](https://github.com/tshelburne)**
_Thursday Jul 03, 2014 at 19:49 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/tshelburne/pet-finder/issues/11_
In emails, texts, and on …
1. Don't redirect to DB website on Live status button click
2. Arrange cities by popularity (Maybe using WikiVoyage page length?)
3. Show map with origin and destination (Maybe OSM?)
4. Show what t…
Great project bro very well done but in my setup it leaks memory. each time i run it creates a new chrome process . a simple ```sudo pkill chrome``` gave some memory back.
Hi @gaspa93,
I was trying to use the following URL: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ellora+Caves/@20.025817,75.1779975,17z/data=!4m7!3m6!1s0x3bdb93bd138ae4bd:0x574c6482cf0b89cf!8m2!3d20.025817!4d75…
**Due April 25th at 10:59 a.m.**
Your job is to build a visually appealing information portal that is a usable tool for users. It should provide both overviews and trends as well as glandular detai…
I am wondering if I could use autocomplete with Vuetify.
I wanted to use it with the autocomplete or asynchronous select components described here [in the vuetify docs](https://vuetifyjs.com/componen…
Hi All.
can help me.
only export mobile,phone,address,image
script.py --query="فروشگاه" --places="Tehran" --scrape-website --skip-duplicate-addresses
Not truly an "issue" as such - more "feedback"
- ignore and close as you wish! 🥰
I love the project
- for me the idea of a "one-stop" location to find sustainability related jobs is truly awesom…