## I want to create a new issue
- [x] Yes, I have read [FAQ](https://github.com/liuyib/hexo-theme-stun/blob/master/FAQ.md).
- [x] Yes, I have read [Hexo Docs page](https://hexo.io/docs/).
- [x] …
### Issue Checklist
- [X] I am using NexT version 8.0 or later.
- [X] I have already read the [Troubleshooting page of Hexo](https://hexo.io/docs/troubleshooting) and [Troubleshooting page of NexT](h…
TypeError: /home/digga/Documents/site/themes/matery/layout/archive.ejs:1
>> 1|
E:\Projects\Blog\blog>hexo clean && hexo g
INFO Validating config
INFO Deleted database.
INFO Deleted public folder.
INFO Validating config
INFO Start processing
INFO Files loaded in 258 m…
### Check List
- [X] I have already read [Docs page](https://hexo.io/docs/) & [Troubleshooting page](https://hexo.io/docs/troubleshooting).
- [X] I have already searched existing issues and they are …
> Before you submit your issue, please tell me your environment info. Also , if you occur `ERROR Plugin load failed:` , please reinstall hexo and npm as follows, for example.
$ nvm install v6.…
1. themes 디렉토리에 git clone 하고
2. _config.yml.example --> _config.yml 로 변경 후
3. $ npm install --save hexo-renderer-jade
4. $hexo server
실행 시킨 후 난 에러입니다.
Unhandled rejection TypeError: /Users/z…
_Really nice, you've launched an i18n-theme for Hexo without a lot of dependencies_
But it just won't work for me - not in Windows - not in Linux. Have tried to install the two necessary plugins `hex…
## Environment Info
Node version(`node -v`): v6.9.1 (in `nvm`)
OS: Chakra Linux
Your site `_config.yml` (Optional):
Your theme `_config.yml` (Optional):
Hexo and Plugin version(`npm ls -…
ERROR ReferenceError: /Users/apple/Documents/steady/blog/themes/hexo-theme-indigo/layout/archive.ejs:6
4| }) %>
>> 6| > 1|