Implementation of two conformal models of hyperbolic geometry (half plane, disc) and actions of their isometry groups.
The actual file is almost complete for working with the hyperbolic plane as th…
Why is the model code inconsistent with your paper description?
Hi and thank you for this great library :)
**Problem encountered**
I was trying to run a hyperparameter search on MultiVAE. I would like to follow the hyperparameters of [this paper](https://kara…
mmosc updated
2 years ago
As suggested in #7545, this ticket defines the imaginary unit `I` directly as the generator of `QuadraticField(-1)` instead of wrapping it in a symbolic expression.
**Why?** To allow it to be used …
The ticket adds several new features to Hecke triangle groups (resp. elements):
- "Block" decomposition of elements. This determines the conjugacy type of elements
- Several alternative representat…
When you're done, write your takeaways from the paper in a comment on this issue, then remove yourself as an Assignee. Last one to do so closes the issue.
PARI/GP 2.15 is out, and homebrew, gentoo, arch, debian-unstable already have the new version.
- giac does not build, see [giac-](https://github.com/sagemath/sage-prod/files/10659652/…
I find that there is a bug in the hyperbolic model (./KGEmb/models/hyperbolic.py)
When calculating the distance, the tail entity embeddings are not projected to the manifolds, I guess you mi…