For the attached certificate, there is a CRL in http://crl.quovadisglobal.com/qvrca2g3.crl
why does the validator fail with ?
Caused by: org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.RecoverableCertPathValidato…
sdkman should provide a way to ease the installation of Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength which can be downloaded from oracle, e.g. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/dow…
I'm attempting to add basic authentication to the websocket channel. I tried following the docs from https://docs.janusgraph.org/basics/server/#http-basic-authentication and added the authentication c…
手表协议, 以下代码 只会走 t = 1 的情况将无法使用上传群文件接口
// ConfigPushSvc.PushReq
func decodePushReqPacket(c *QQClient, pkt *network.Packet) (any, error) {
request := &jce.RequestPacket{}
in jclouds, we'd like to make tools that can be completely contained in a single jar. Ex.
While sshj uses BouncyCastle as a JCE prov…
User experience of frontend JCE 2.8.4 image insert is confusing the more I've …
ghost updated
4 years ago
$ spring encrypt "cli encrypted value" --key foobar
Unable to initialize due to invalid secret key
It would be nice to have a better error message suggesting to the user that they need to …