Hello -
I hope you don't mind me posting here. I'm just having a very hard time finding the right person to help with our project.
I need to create a java project which can communicate with a dig…
When using PULLUP mode for pins, they don’t always report the right value. This occurs with a genuine Uno, a clone Uno, and a clone Mega. It occurs on Windows, CentOS and on the Raspberry Pi.
I am …
The method [`.readBytes(byte[] buffer, int bytesToRead)`](https://fazecast.github.io/jSerialComm/javadoc/com/fazecast/jSerialComm/SerialPort.html#readBytes(byte%5B%5D,int)) wont fill the byte array.
Are there any plans to depart from java 6 32 bit? What are the main challenges?
Is 3D a major or minor part of the problem?
I was able to get 3D ogl working with a 64 bit version of the .dll lik…
is it possible/should it be possible for application to know that it has no permission for serial port in *nix?
under root my stuff works
sudo java -jar console/rusefi_console.jar reboot_ecu
It is easy to reproduce: calling `org.firmata4j.IODevice.start()` always crashes the JVM:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
There are still add-ons which depend on gnu.io for their serial communications. By using the serial transport we can switch between serial implementations (rxtx, javacomm) without having to change any…
wborn updated
9 months ago
When invoking `SerialPort.getCommPorts()` on Windows 10 **[edit] 32 bit**, the program exits without exception or any other message, as if by System.exit(). I have no idea how to check if there's an e…
I am not sure if that's an issue, I would rather qualify it as request for clarification or an input towards discussion.
Currently there is no simple way for system to work with multiple serial por…
Hello , I have a vintage AS/400e 9401 150 without a twinax terminal.
I was wondering if I have the cable 97H7557, that is a special serial cable, if I can use TN5250j to connect to serial port and…