Hi, I have noticed that the model format of vit-victim-b16-s650m in your [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-bGX-NQOh6MuRPoXJgYHb9-jWRJvviSg) is not a bin.gz file. I would like to …
Thanks for sharing this converter, I'm trying to convert katago model to coreml as quite a few people doing now.
I can use the converter in this repo to convert Katago bin file to ONNX and it could…
There are two bots:
sai recently started training on 19x19, and its feature is that it's count moku in the winrate,…
you can add support for katago for large boards - connecting the engine? and reading the "extended sgf" like
"location should a string like "C4" the same as in the GTP protocol. KataGo also supports …
Instructions are out of date for heroku, which no longer offers a free tier. Would be nice to see advice for getting this up on render, or an equivalent small free basic service.
I've been trying, …
When analysis mode is enabled (using katago GTP), Sabaki will let it run forever instead of stopping after a certain number of time or visited moves or playouts. I tried to tweak the katago config fil…
# Black: KataGo
# BlackCommand: D:\KataGo-1.1…
can remove the restriction of 25x25? to connect KataGo https://github.com/lightvector/KataGo/releases/tag/v1.3.5%2Bbs29
KataGo and SSH server on Colab server run fine.
However, when connecting Colab KataGo via Lizzie, I get an error.
I searched the internet and couldn't find a solution. Please help me.
(1) Lizzie…
As far as I understand, sai brings different concept to dramatically improve value network in unfair situation.
If we consider extrem situation like 9 handicap stone, leela zero is considering the …