_A colleague from the lab made this little sum up of modular transcription based biosensors. It is definitely worth reading and maybe even creating our own version in Portuguese? Why not..._
### Tr…
I wonder what is the unit of vina's map size. Typically the CNN scoring functions only accept box as 20*20*20 A to score, but when I use this size in vina, some ligands seem to be out of it.(center se…
Doesn't do anything anymore.
Here is how to reproduce
`wget http://dude.docking.org/targets/abl1/crystal_ligand.mol2`
And the python code
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolAlig…
I tried to use different ligands to dock with the proteins in the repo .According to the files in your examples, when I tried to dock with 2br1_protein.pdb and 2wtv_protein.pdb, it worked .But when I …
Thank you very much for your Omnipath database.
Now I have some information about ligands and receptors, but I want to know what are the transcription factors and target genes downstream of…
Transformations from ligand 0 to ligands 56-60 appear to have failed:
JSON entries
"55": {
"JOBID": 55,
"directory": "RUN54",
"end": 56,
"ff": "…
Is there a helper function to draw paired arrow lot with ligands receptors and targets such as this one ideally with mean expression?
One of the recurring errors I've seen (using Perses 0.8.1, in my slightly janky Docker container)
Result: the atom mapping fails, and the edge does not run
Traceback (most recent call last)…
this is a fun one, here's the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/paynea/miniforge3/envs/asapdiscovery/bin/asap-docking", line 8, in
File "/lila…